Lowen & the Environment

At Lowen Dental Spa we want to be environmentally conscious, especially after all the recent coverage of climate change that has highlighted so clearly the importance of protecting nature, on land and in our oceans.

We were particularly motivated by the David Attenborough documentary, ‘A Life on Our Planet’ and want to make a commitment to being environmentally conscious without compromising on patient safety and comfort.


Measures that we have put in place include;

  • reducing our carbon footprint by being paperless as much as we can, including email and text communications
  • Efficient heating and cooling systems that do not use gas technology
  • Recycling materials wherever possible
  • 5% of whitening treatments will be donated to Seacology, a fantastic charity that help educate island communities on how to look after and maintain their marine environments and ecosystems
  • Our toilets have been twinned, which means that a  sustainable sanitary toilet has been built in a remote community to help improve the quality of life there


We hope that you are able to support us on our mission to be more eco-friendly, benefiting our local and worldwide community.